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A Conscious Retreats Blog Post, Benefits of Holistic Retreats

Why take a retreat?

With the stresses of modern life and the intense workload for many following the coronavirus pandemic,

the fallout of this has been extreme levels of anxiety and stress in all walks of life. As such people have lost the stability of pre-covid life, the past two years have left many with a sense of “who can we trust?” further pushing stress and anxiety levels about the future,

Men and women alike are struggling with impossible workloads that compromise professional pride and self-confidence that can cause the breakdown of relationships and a sense of personal confusion. This paired with many working from home over the past 2 years means that many find it hard to de-stress or relax in familiar surroundings.

Over the past few years, many have found it hard to even take a weekend off from their work lives and even less have taken what could be called a relaxing holiday. This constant workflow and the stress of the happenings in the world can lead many to feel guilty for relaxing or putting themselves first.

Viewing it as selfish rather than self-preserving or self-care.The lockdowns pushed people in different ways many took a materialistic approach to shop to pass their time when we couldn’t do much else, others embraced a more natural lifestyle taking up hobbies like meditation and becoming more involved in their own self-care.

But what is a retreat?

Retreats offer a separation from everyday life benefiting the physical, emotional, and psychological withdrawal from others, from the stresses of lockdown and the fallout of post covid life. Retreats offer a safe haven to recover and heal on all levels.

When on a retreat life can be simplified. Every aspect of your day is designed to heal and relax you in a new separate environment. The activities enable you to find a deeper often more ignored part of yourself, the space allows you to regain your sanity and possibly even a sense of self.

Retreats offer a separation of privacy from the life you have, a true retreat is less about the location but about the energy.

A retreat might be a natural communing with nature in a beautiful setting solo or with a group, groups tend to be prepared as it allows a curated journey and provides people to share it with.

The corporate sector has embraced the term as well, albeit 'Corporate Retreats' tend to combine time away from the office with creative problem solving as well as time to relax and enjoy massages, among other things.

Retreats of all kinds are becoming increasingly popular as more of us feel the need to momentarily escape to a safe haven, to calm our buzzing minds to make sense of our life and the various demands placed on us.

A retreat may be a fantastic experience, as well as a boost and accelerator. In terms of adjusting vision and re-establishing what actually counts, a lot may be accomplished in a short period of time. However, unless you take action in terms of self-care upon your return, the gains you've made will be undone, and you'll find yourself back in a state of exhaustion and stress overload.

How you value yourself influences your decisions to promote holistic wellbeing (a healthy balance of mind, body, and spirit), including whether or not to treat yourself to a Retreat. Our basic wellness, immune system, and intrinsic healing systems are all influenced by our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.

Conscious Retreats

The Coming Home to Wholeness retreat at Monte De Orada, Portugal. For more details click the booking link below.

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