What to expect
When you come to the Centre you can expect to be warmly welcomed and met by your therapist on your entry to the building. Most people don’t know what to anticipate on their first session which can cause anxiety; your therapist will know this and will do their best to put you at ease.
During your first session your therapist will take some general personal details such as name, address, your GP details and any medication you may be taking. Only relevant and appropriate information will be taken in order that the best possible help is given to you.
More specific details may be required about you and about your presenting problem. Again this is to ensure you get an appropriate level of care and to help you and your therapist to sensitively explore the root cause of the issue.
Expect to be heard, listened to and respected; our therapists are genuine caring people. They have an interest in you as a person and consideration for your issues, worries and concerns. All the therapists have been selected with care to offer a fully rounded service. Although the therapists have common interests each therapist has something different to offer.
All clients are initially assessed before a contract is agreed. The contract outlines the time, place, cost and likely duration of future sessions. The therapist will explain about the rules of confidentiality. Confidentiality is, of course, an integral part of the therapeutic relationship and all counselling and psychotherapy in general.
A list of some of the areas covered at the Centre can be seen on the Areas Covered page.
Where it is felt the issue is of a nature that the client would benefit from a specialism not available at the Centre the client will be advised of ways of accessing such help.